Pro Bono Sucks
Note: If you’re too lazy to read my heart and soul being poured out to you, feel free to read the TL;DR at the bottom… I’m not going to lie, I’m not at my happiest while writing this. I’m not upset either. I’m just reminiscing and evaluating all that I’ve...
How To: Website
As of this blog entry, this site is a little over 11 years old. If you visit the ABOUT page, you can read the full story to its background and creation. Whenever someone asks what I do on my free time, other than gaming and watching Anime/Shows, I answer I run my website. Besides the time to make...
Back To School… Cherish Those Years.
It’s that season again – Back to School! If you’re not me, that is… Some of us are quitting summer jobs, doing last minute supply shopping, setting up outfits for the first day of school, or wondering how the summer went by so fast. Those were much simpler times when the...
The Art of Selfies
So lately my INSTAGRAM reached over 30,000 followers – many of which enjoy my gallery for its interesting photos regarding my hobbies and outfits. Today I’ll give you pointers on how to have a great looking gallery to help you gain more followers on Instagram as well… 1. This...
Fashion Post #2 – How I Make My Face (My Makeup Routine)
Makeup is a double-edged sword. People say they prefer natural beauty, but “no makeup” photos of celebrities always shock people and bring on negative feedback. Suddenly people are flabbergasted from the fact that females have flaws on their skin. Blame the media. When I was in High...
30 Day Movie Challenge – In One Day
You know the drill. I’m too lazy to do this stuff on an Instagram or Tumblr over the course of a month, so here it is all in one day and one post. BEGIN! Day 1 – Your favorite movie. Shit the first one starts off with a hard one… Um, I really don’t have a favorite...
Fashion Post #1 – Because You People Keep Asking…
For almost a year, I’ve been posting pictures of myself on Instagram for the world to see. I’ve been getting a lot of questions on where I get my clothes, to the point I contemplated on starting a fashion blog. But then I realized something… I own a website with a blogging section...
30 Day Anime Challenge – In One Day
Everyone and their mother has been doing a 30 Day challenge of some sort. To make a month’s answers go by faster, here they all are, in one list. Let’s begin! Day 1 – Very first anime. Probably Doreamon. I was probably a toddler and didn’t even know it was anime, but by...
My Tumblr Experience…
So last week I joined Tumblr, in the attempt to cure my boredom and perhaps promote this website a bit more. I realize now that the original fanbase of this website has gotten older, some moving further from Anime and such. It pains me to say this, but it’s a dying thing amongst people in my...
My Gaming Addiction
If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard from me, it’s because I’ve been busy with life and gaming. Mostly life, but the three hours I have left on most weekdays goes to gaming. It used to be StarCraft II and Mass Effect’s Multiplayer, but lately I’ve found...
My Thoughts on Mass Effect
Before you continue any further, let it be known that this entire blog entry will contain SPOILERS. Do not read any content below and then cry that I spoiled it for you. And if you haven’t played the game or finished the game yet, chances are you already know some of the endings, because it...
Then and Now
Here’s a treat! My first “Video Blog” – because I’m too lazy to write. 😛 Note that this was done at 2:30AM on a work night and I was trying to keep my voice down. Insomnia – Hoorah! If I have time, one day I will present a full timeline of all...
Why Being A Geek Is Cool Now
I was born in the mid 80’s. That means I probably didn’t watch the signature 80’s movies that everyone knows about, until their reruns in the 90’s. And if there was anything I’d learned from the late 80’s-90’s films, it was that being a geek or nerd was...
So You Want to be a Freelancer…
I just turned 25, meaning every year after this one can be rounded up to 30. I’m about THIRTY years old… How can this be happening? I remember my golden years in High School as if it were yesterday… Where was I? What have I been doing? Wait, does this mean I have to worry about...
Asian Commercial Invasion
Is it me or am I seeing more Asians being featured in commercials? I live in NYC, so this is based on what I see on TV and online commercials. This should be a great thing right? It’s like when they started showing more African Americans in family settings with beautiful houses in the...
My Sad Routine
So for the longest time now, my excuse for not updating this site has been “Because I’m busy with work.” Prior to working full time, I had trouble imagining the inability to update a website at least once a week. I mean, how hard is it to make at least ONE avatar/icon, right? I...
If Anime Worlds Were Real…
At one point or another, you Anime geeks have either cosplayed or fantasized about being an Anime character or live in the world of an Anime character. What would that mean exactly? Well according to mainstream Animes: If you’re a girl, you’re probably useless. That’s right...
Tastosis – Casting Archons
Most of you probably don’t play Starcraft 2 or know what the GSL is, so this blog post will be for me… And maybe two other people. I love Tastosis. Who are they? They are Nick “Tasteless” Plott and Dan “Artosis” Stemkoski, the casting archons....
My Thoughts On GLEE S2
Well my boyfriend just bought me tickets to see Glee Live Tour, so you know I’m a fan. (Seriously? Hundred something for tickets? It’s more than Broadway tickets!) While the first season’s flow was somewhat consistent and easy on the brain, second season was full of horrible,...
How To Increase Traffic To Your Website
If you google the term “Anime Graphic” or “Anime Graphics,” this site is ranked either first or second. Usually the chances of a link being clicked after the first few decreases exponentially, unless the viewer has a lot of time to do research. How did I get the top spots?...
Why 90’s Cartoons Are Better Than Today’s Crap
I’m not that old. (Twenty-four, for those of you interested.) I grew up with morning cartoons and after school marathons of not just Anime, but American productions as well. As a matter of fact, this rant will be about Western cartoons. Towards the middle of my High School career, I started...
4 Websites You Should Visit Daily – Other than THIS ONE!
I don’t find a lot of time for myself nowadays between a full time job, traveling a total of 4 hours to and from my job, sleeping, and other human necessities I will not mention. However there are certain websites that I feel I must check out daily (Besides my own awesome site… to make...
Things That Suck and Things That Will Suck…
I’m pretty hesitant to watch live-action movies of cartoons because I hate to be disappointed. I don’t want my childhood favorites turned against me. Perhaps it is because I’ve watched Marvel and DC characters get bludgeoned over and over again. There are a few good ones like...
Nick Pitera – One Man Disney Movie
No words can describe how awesome this guy is. You have to listen to him: The dude can basically three part harmony with HIMSELF. Yes, in that video he is lip syncing to a prerecorded track, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less awesome. If anything, the video is fun to watch. For an...