Happy 20 Years!
Every year I’m always a few days late to wish my website a happy birthday. It’s now 20 years old. Clearly I’ve wasted money renewing the domain to a dead site. But I had to have unlocked an achievement by now, right? Don’t worry guys, as long as I continue to pay for...
18 Years and Counting!
Today marks the 18th year this site has been around (in all its various forms). As you can see, while I do not update it regularly, I refuse to abandon it. This site is still important to me and I plan to keep it going as long as I can afford it. (All it does is take take take…) I appreciate...
Oh Crap, It’s Been A While…
Whoops. It’s been a while since I’ve updated the site with wallpapers, and even longer since I’ve updated the front page with “news” and such… If you’re wondering where I’ve been, I’ve been super busy since my job promotion and don’t have...
I’m Still Here… Are You?
Hi there! Just updating the front page with news that isn’t a year old. You might notice from time to time I update my site with content but the front page doesn’t move much. (Just the RECENT Tab updates.) I know I’ve been lazy or busy or some sort of excuse, but those of you that...
Some Updates About Stuff
Hi there! If you’re new here and experienced the “Reddit Hug of Death” that befell my site, I apologize. I contacted my host’s support and apparently 150,000 queries an hour is the max they can provide. I can’t even offer to pay for more. Therefore every time a massive...
Greeting The New Year With Optimism
Happy New Year guys! I’m excited to still be here for what is now the site’s 14th year in existence. I’m always happy to see old visitors come back and give a hello. I’m here every day so don’t be shy when you visit! You can also always contact me via the Contact Page...
I’m Now Selling on Redbubble
So after being introduced to redbubble.com, I thought I’d give it a try and put up some of my works for sale there. Because the products being sold are to help support yours truly, I have left credits to this site on some of the merchandise. Think of it as a donation to this site in which you...
And Now An FAQ!
Just to help you guys out, here’s a short FAQ. Do you have ________ mobile wallpapers? Please use the blue DROPDOWN MENU or the SEARCH function on the top of the mobile wallpaper section to find the series you’re looking for. They’re usually listed in their romaji names but if you...
Follow me @tfldesign – Everywhere…
Happy New Year peeps! Thank you for following up with me for this long! So it has come to my attention that despite my many announcements to follow my social medias here and there, people are still not familiar with who runs this site… To put it simply, this site was created and maintained...
It’s Been A Dozen Years…
I started a graphic website named The Forgotten Lair on December 29, 2003 – meaning this site will be TWELVE years old by the end of this year… Dude, I was 17 when I first started and now I’m an old fart… I’ve grown up and matured alongside many visitors who have...
I Will Survive!
So lately I’ve noticed a few of my long time affiliates’ sites going down. I’m not sure if it’s permanent, but it got me thinking about how long I foresee my own site going on. Clearly I don’t update as often as I used to back in the day. It depends on how quickly I...
This Is A One Woman Show
So it’s come to my attention that many visitors do not realize this is a one woman show. Yes, I’ve been running this site ALONE for the past 11 years. This has been a personal project and hobby of mine since senior year of High School. I’ve watched a lot of kids/visitors grow up...
Trouble With WordPress
Just a heads up that the site might encounter some down time or broken pages as I am sorting out some back end stuff to secure this site. WordPress has been having a lot of security issues lately, so I’m doing my best to combat them. In the meantime, just refresh or revisit the page a few...
Support This Site + Don’t ReUpload = I Make More Stuff
Happy New Year! I hope you’ve been enjoying the many updates I’ve been making to this site the past few weeks. Since adding the Mobile Wallpapers section, I’ve been busy with requests and coding the area for easy browsing. It took a while, but it’s finally working the way I...
New Affiliates And Eleven Years
First I’d like to present this site’s new affiliates: brokenTONE Prismatic Realm On December 29, 2003 I created this site (on another URL) with the purpose to provide anime graphics for Neopets. (Read the ABOUT page for the full story.) After ELEVEN years, this site has grown so much....
Site Affiliations Now Open
I haven’t done this in years, but I’m now looking for affiliates. Please head over to the AFFILIATION PAGE to apply. After combing through the Links Out page, it saddened me to see so many long time sites disappear. It really does show how old I’m getting… I WANT TO FEEL...
Mobile Wallpapers Now Available
I’ve come bearing gifts after a few months of inactivity. Nowadays people are more glued to their phones than their computers, therefore I’ve finally decided to make a mobile wallpaper section. I’m adding more to the section as you’re reading this, so feel free to leave a...
NEW Wallpaper Resolutions
Computer monitors are getting bigger and bigger. I’ve been creating my wallpapers in 2560px width for years now, but finally decided to post that width in Widescreen and HD resolutions. Enjoy the new resolutions: 2560×1600 (Widescreen 16:10) 2560×1440 (HD 16:9) As always, I post...
Thanks for 30,000!
This has nothing to do with this site, but recently I’ve reached 30,000 followers on INSTAGRAM. What does this mean? Absolutely nothing, except that maybe I’m more active in the selfie department at the moment. My anime viewing has greatly decreased over the years as age and jadedness...
Tweaks Here and There
Howdy folks! So I’ve made minor tweaks to the menus here and there. It was bothering me that the site’s non-category links were thrown at the bottom and not visible in the mobile versions of the site, so I’ve shifted things around a bit. Now there’s a...
Welcome to The Forgotten Lair Version 18
*checks watch* It’s been only 4 days right? I said this update would take a week, but did it in 4 days… Before I go collapse from exhaustion and lack of sleep, let me give you the tour. If you look at the very top, you will see an assortment of anime characters. If you have dual...
New Projects
I know I haven’t been doing a good job keeping up with the site’s content, but hear me out… THIS SHIT IS FREE. Okay, now that we’ve gotten past that, lets move on. 😀 If you look at the updates (via Facebook, Twitter, or the side panel to the right) you’ll see that...
Happy Birthday To Me. Again?
Crap. Well, it’s that time of year again… When I officially grow a year older, mutter something about how no one cares after you’re 21 and then move on with my life. Whoopdeedoo. Ten years ago, I had just graduated High School. ONLY TEN YEARS AGO…
Fan Expo Canada 2013
Hey guys, I’ll be at the Fan Expo this year on the 22nd of August, dressed like so… If you bump into me, say hi. 😀 As always, follow my Instagram for more pictures of me on my free time. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for updates on my site, my life and all news in general. See...
Now Live Streaming On Twitch.TV
Want to see me play games LIVE with the cameras on? Visit me at twitch.tv/tfldesign or watch below when I’m live! You may even chat with me while I’m playing. Simply sign into Twitch.Tv (free) and join the conversation while I rage at my screen. Join the fun! Please subscribe to my...
I’m Back. I Think?
Hello all, it’s been a while. First, I’d like to thank those of you who sent lovely blessings towards my recent marriage. Yes I’m married now and feeling older than ever. Some pictures from my awesome geeky wedding will eventually be leaked out, which you will find via my...
I’m Getting MARRIED
Wondering why I’ve been away from the graphics department for so long? See the title… So yes, some of you may or may not know, but I’ve been engaged a few months now and will be getting married in June. Meaning I’m planning stuff NOW. As a hardcore geek that respects...
The Forgotten Lair Project Updates for 2013!
Phoenix is going to try harder to connect with her fans and supporters. How does a more active YouTube channel sound? Live streaming of her playing games on Twitch.tv? Find out more in this video! (Phoenix is narrating in third person.) Facebook Twitter Tumblr...
Another Year Gone By, Another Missed Birthday…
Every year for the past five years I’ve almost always forgotten about this site’s birthday… On December 29, 2012 – this site turned NINE YEARS OLD… Holy smokes… I’ve been running this site for almost a decade now. Looking back, I see the growth and...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Just wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Sorry I haven’t been as active with the graphics lately, but if you’ve been following me on any social media, you’d see that I’m very active there. 😀 Be sure to check them out. (All links on the right.) Please...
Created Instagram Account
It’s been a while and some updates other than Anime Reviews will be coming out slowly. Meanwhile I’ve created an Instagram account so you can follow me there if you want to see sepia colored images of me, my face and other things I’m too lazy to photoshop on the go… As a...
So I’m Engaged Now…
Yep. That’s the news I’ve been keeping for a few weeks. So what does this mean? Absolutely nothing has changed. I just have a rock on my finger and people ask me a lot of questions. That’s about it. In other news, if you haven’t been following me on Facebook or Tumblr, then...
Can This Be?
First, I’d like to announce minor changes to the Wallpaper and Avatar sections. If you look at the either section, you will notice that now there is a number next to each Anime title, telling you how many avatars or wallpapers you will see inside. I don’t know why I never thought of...
I’m Now On Tumblr
Okay so I finally caved. Basically for a few weeks I’ve been meaning to update but never found the time… Mostly because I want to submit something meaningful and not fully half-assed. Mostly a wallpaper. You guys know those can take MONTHS. It sucks to have standards...
Another Missed Birthday
Fear not. You didn’t miss my birthday. I probably won’t want to announce my birthdays anymore, anyhow, due to the fact that I’m reaching that unspeakable age that begins with a three and ends with a zero… That’s right, three hundred. 😛 The birthday the title...
Back From The East
Well I’m back. Tokyo and Taiwan were fun. If you follow me on Facebook (and you should), then you’d have followed my adventure via the photos I uploaded. Be sure to check them out through the album I posted on the page. I got to see Mt. Fuji, visit temples, shop in Shibuya, ride the...
Journey To The East
So I will be away until April 12th on vacation. I will be visiting Taiwan, Japan and maybe Thailand. Camera? Check. Tourist outfit? Check. Empty suitcase inside a suitcase to be filled with goodies? Check. I’ll be checking the site from time to time but won’t be posting any new content...
The Mass Effect
So it’s a week before my move to another country and I haven’t packed yet… I have a good excuse though. 1. I work. 2. Mass Effect 3 is out and I play as a female Commander Shepard that has stayed loyal to my boy toy Kaidan since the first game… So I’ve got more sexy...
The Future of TFL Design – In Your Hands!
Firstly, a special thanks to Shogo for his donation to TFL Design – keeping the tradition that I receive donations for this site every two years. 😛 In light of this, I figure I’d make the bi-yearly announcement asking for donations to keep this site alive for years to come. If you...
Facebook Covers Now Available
Available ONLY on FACEBOOK. So I had asked about 24 hours ago, if you guys would like TFL Design to create some Facebook Covers for your profiles. A handful of you answered within that time, so I assumed that handful stood for the majority of the 700+ fans… 😛 Anyway, you can now find some...
Happy 8th Birthday TFL Design
I created The Forgotten Lair graphics site 8 years ago on December 29, 2003. It was originally for Neopets Guild members to acquire the layout designs I was making. Shortly after, I made it public to everyone on the interwebs – all on Freewebs hosting. Let’s just say TFL Design has...
2012 Afilliation Open
Affiliations for the coming new year are now open. Please visit the Affiliation Page for all the rules and details. Blargh, I’ve been working on a project lately so expect to see graphic updates soon. I’ve also been secretly updating the Anime Reviews and perhaps if you guys ask nicely,...
Rated R Portfolio
Well I’m here to advertise Andy’s new portfolio makeover. You can visit his portfolio site at artofthisguy. Did I mention it has a lot of nudity? artofthisguy artofthisguy artofthisguy Andy is currently making an effort to draw/paint digitally once a day. He needs ideas on what to draw...
Tutorial Comments Activated
So I’ve added the ability to comment in the tutorial sections now. I figured people would have questions or comments on those parts specifically. Check out my LATEST TUTORIAL, featuring how I did my “defiance” (Grimmjow Wallpaper) and ask questions if you want. The videos I make...
And Then There Will Be Cake…
Howdy! I just turned 25 today. Aaaand now my life goes downhill from here… Fall is here and so all you kids will be going back to school. Work is same old routine for me. I am currently working on a few website and graphic projects, so don’t you worry. I’m also still watching...
To Asian Drama or not to Asian Drama?
Are you following me on Facebook and/or Twitter? Well are you? Because I give my most recent updates on those social networks and I can share info not posted on this site. (Like what I’m eating or what new video I think you should watch.) Since this site no longer offers MP3s, I can only show...
You’ve Lost Your Passion!
The title is from a Tastosis Starcraft cast about how they’ve lost their passion for the game and my discussion with Andy on how I’ve lost passion for creating more creative wallpapers. First off, fuck off, I’ve got shit to do now, ‘mkay? (It’s called a job.) And...
Holy Catch Phrases!
Is it me or is the Anime franchise dying in North America? I don’t think the younger generations are watching as much Anime as I did when I was thirteen. Toonami no longer offers a lot of quality Animes anymore, especially not at reasonable times. It could be the fleeting times, bad economy,...
It’s In The Frakkin Ship!
Click “Like” for updates on Facebook Just thought I’d pop in a new front page news to show that I am indeed still alive. I’ve been adding new graphics and resources every once in a while, so stay connected via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS – for you tech savvy...
Follow Me On Facebook
Want to be updated via Facebook? CLICK THE “LIKE” BUTTON BELOW TO JOIN THE FORGOTTEN LAIR’S FAN PAGE ON FACEBOOK! Technically you’re following a part of me (TFL Design). Actual me still remains out of reach but I have posted pics of myself, if you...
I’m still alive… And so are you…
Want to be updated via Facebook? CLICK THE “LIKE” BUTTON BELOW TO JOIN THE FORGOTTEN LAIR’S FAN PAGE ON FACEBOOK! Finally updated the site with something larger than an icon. Check out my new wallpaper. Bring your sunglasses. I want to update the site’s...
At last! I recently finished Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 and let me tell you, the game is CRAZY good and addicting. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in 2.5 weeks! Hurray for insomnia! I’d recommend the game to anyone that likes RPGs, FPS, and games with an awesome story. You...
So Everyone Keeps Calling Me Shepherd
Hello people. Been playing a lot of Mass Effect lately. Guess I’m going to play through the first two games before the third one comes out. It’s pretty addicting and the story is great. Any decisions you make, especially the dialogue, directly influences the outcome of the game. In the...
Updates to Version 17
THE ANIME REVIEW SECTION FROM A-Z IS COMPLETE! Feel free to post YOUR anime list in the comments! I’d like to see them! CLICK TO COMMENT HERE I’ve also decided to reinstate the GALLERY. So most of the screenshots and scans this site had offered before are up. Some...